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HomePresident's Message
Utah DX Association Presidents Message

Thanks for electing me president and for your trust in me.  UDXA has done so much for so many hams because there are so many members willing to work with training, building, and assisting others.  And there have been many outstanding members whose dedication to amateur radio has made them big winners in contests and certificates.

There are those who have 5 band DXCC, 5 band Worked All Zones and other certificates.  We have a Grid Squares champion and members who have participated in various expeditions or have made some rare entities available.  The club has supported many expeditions and intends to continue to promote DX and contest participation.

Members have made training presentations at many conventions and at meetings of many groups to train others to become effective ham radio operators.  Contest University, DX University and CW Academy have been supported.

You have elected me to help the group and individual members make progress in this very fascinating work and continue to build comradery and association in the group.

UDXA is also part of ARRL and UDXA members work to support ARRL and many other clubs and organizations.  

As members lets work together to promote amateur radio and welcome others into our association.

Although I am not as experienced or talented as so many of you, I will do my best to promote out association and the success of our members in Amateur Radio.

73  Gregg E. McArthur   W7GEM